Welcome to Mentor Coaching
I go beyond competency to stretch your capacity to engage your clients in deep meaningful dialogue by engaging you in the discovery of how you can become a more capable and impactful coach.
I am here to engage you in the discovery of how you can become a more capable and impactful coach. I want you to grow your coaching skills beyond competency by stretching your capacity to engage your clients.
My goal as a Mentor Coach is to engage you in practice and reflection to stretch your capacity to engage your clients in deep meaningful dialogue.
My approach to Mentor Coaching is grounded in the value of a trusted, confidential and dynamic relationship that enhances the ‘Mentee’s’ capability as a coach.
This is how I Mentor:
Start by creating a safe, confidential space to explore your coaching competency
Listen and observe your coaching.
Engage in reflective dialogue with you about your experience of yourself as a coach.
Document and deliver observations of how your coaching excellence aligns with the ICF Coaching Competencies.
Create a relationship of active growth and collaborative learning that will propel your coaching to the next level.
Mentor Coaching with me is specifically designed for Coaches who:
Are commitment to becoming exceptional in the art of coaching.
Care about the relationships they have with their clients.
Are willing to engage in dialogue about their seen and unseen coaching behaviour including their subtle biases.
Are ready to listen, discover and act on the challenges arising from our Mentoring conversations.
Want to develop their ‘internal mentor’ to become more observant of their real time coaching competence.
Are prepared to invest in their coaching practice.
Outcomes for you:
Documented Mentor Coaching hours for your ICF Certification requirements at the ACC and PCC levels.
Feedback targeted to move you to the next ICF competency level.
Developmental feedback to encourage and impact your emerging excellence as a coach.
Collaboration to develop action plans to enhance your coaching capability.
A confidential, experienced and committed Coach as your coaching development partner.
Getting started:
Call (902.221.5864) or email (brian.duggan@marathonhrcg.com) me to discuss your Mentor Coaching needs and to contract to achieve the outcomes you desire.
Schedule a minimum of three opportunities for me to observe you coaching for 30-40 minutes (live or by audio recording) and engage you in dialogue about my observations of your coaching competency focusing on your development as a coach.
After each Mentor Coaching Session I prepare and send you a Mentor Coaching Report outlining my observations of your strengths and possible growth opportunities to further align your coaching with the ICF Competencies.
Professional Fees:
I generally work on a retainer basis. The four month Mentor Coaching retainer fee is $2,000.00 plus 15% HST.
This includes:
Ten documented Mentor Coaching hours.
Unlimited access to me to support you through specific coaching issues, during the retainer period.
If you require single Mentor Coaching Sessions the fee is $300.00 plus 15% HST per session.
I am committed to providing timely responses to inquiries and to delivering outcomes!
Explore These Possibilities
902.221.5864 brian.duggan@marathonhrcg.com